Internationalt mineseminar i Sisimiut
Uddannelseschef for Råstofskolen Hans Hinrichsen, som er medlem af NordMin, er blevet udpeget til at afholde en international mineworkshop i Sisimiut. NordMin er et nordisk samarbejde, hvis formål er "at udvikle den nordiske mine - og mineralindustri på en bæredygtig måde for øge konkurrencen og væksten".
Udover de nordiske lande er der blevet sendt invitationer afsted til Rusland, USA og Canada, dermed kan den Arktiske Cirkel for første gang blive samlet på Grønland. Arrangementet vil finde sted d. 6. - 7. juni, invitationen kan ses nedenfor og der kan løbende ske ændringer i programmet.
Mining and Society in the Arctic
Sisimiut June 6th & 7th 2015
As the national coordinator under NordMin and General Manager of Greenland School of Minerals and Petroleum, it is my privilege to invite to this seminar/workshop in Sisimiut, Greenland.
For this event you will meet colleagues within mining from all Arctic countries, Canada, Russia, USA, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland and Greenland/Denmark. This is the opportunity to expand your network and get further knowledge regarding mining and society within the Arctic Circle.
Our Minister of Industry, Labor and Trade & Foreign Affairs Mr. Vittus Qujaukitsoq will open this event together with other prominent officials.
Friday 5th:
Oversea participants fly in to Sisimiut
Registration will take place at Sisimiut airport
Transportation to accommodation
18.00: Transportation to the cultural center Taseralik
18.30: Welcome by the Mayor of Qeqqata municipality, Mr. Herman Berthelsen
18.45: Practical information by. General Manager of G.M.S.P. Mr. Hans Hinrichsen
19.00: Buffet at Taseralik
21.00 Transportation to accommodation
Saturday 6th:
08.30: Transportation to Taseralik
09.00: Welcome speech by Minister of Industry, Labor and Trade & Foreign Affairs Mr. Vittus Qujaukitsoq
09.15: Regulations for SIA in Greenland
09.35: Negotiation IBA for the Arctic Region, Mr. Laust Løgstrup, Director of Qeqqata Municipality
09.55: Workforce Development, Mr. Hans Hinrichsen, General Manager, GSMP
10.15: Coffee Break
11.00: Impact of Mining in Nunavut and NWT, Mrs. Liz Kingston, General Manager
Nunavut & NWT Chamber of Mines
11.20: Operating Internationally, Mr. James Tuer, President of Hudson Resources
11.40: NordMin´s Concept of Education, Mrs. Betty Christakopoulou, Luleå University of Technology
12.00: Panel Discussion
12.30: Lunch at Taseralik
13.30: Mining in Alaska, Mr. Nils Andreassen, Executive Director, Institute of the North
13.50: Mining Society in Northern Russia, Mr. Alexey Filin, NBS Murmansk office
14.10: Financial Development in a Remote Society, Mr. Francois Picotte, Nunavut Dep. of
Economic Development.
14.30: Development of Industry and Labor, Mr. Jorn Skov Nielsen, Deputy Minister
14.50: Panel Discussion
15.20: Coffee Break
15.40: Rounding off of the day and networking
16.30: Departure to accommodation
18.30: Transportation to Hotel Sisimiut
19.00: Dinner at Hotel Sisimiut
22.00: Transportation to accommodation
Sunday 7th:
08.30: Transportation to Taseralik
09.00: Workshop starts in the big room
10.15: Coffee Break
10.45: Workshop
12.30: Lunch at Taseralik
14.30: Visit to Greenland School of Minerals and Petroleum and places of interest in Sisimiut
18.30: Transportation to Hotel Sisimiut
19.00: Gala dinner at Hotel Sisimiut
Monday 8th:
Transportation to airport
We have set up an extra flight from Kangerlussuaq to Sisimiut to make sure overseas guests get thru and negotiated a good price Copenhagen – Sisimiut – Copenhagen.